Our B2B SEO Agency helps Clients Scale their Business through Increased Rankings, Traffic, and Leads

By using our content frameworks, we are able to ensure that we create content that attracts your ideal customer: people who need your products and services AND have the money to spend on them.

B2B SEO Strategy

Before we start writing any content or doing any type of keyword research, we begin by asking ourselves 2 primary questions:

Question 1:  What is the mindset of your buyer when they are searching for your product or service?

This will allow us to understand their frame of mind, their pain points, and their motivations for what they hope to achieve once they become a customer.  We can then create content around the topics that your ideal buyers care about.

Question 2:  What is the first step of your sales process?

We believe that marketing should feed directly into your sales process.  So, our mission is to create content that drives more qualified prospects to the top of your sales process.

We do this by creating content for all levels of the marketing funnel:

Bottom of funnel content is designed to attract people who are ready to buy your product or service today.

Middle of the funnel content is designed to attract people who know they have a problem that your business solves.

And top of the funnel content is for the rest of your market. It’s designed to attract people who don’t know they have a problem, and don’t know that you can solve that problem for you.

B2B Content Creation

Our content creation process begins with keyword research.  The goal with our keyword research is to find topics that have search volume, are relevant to your business, and have a low keyword difficulty score.

That will give you the ability to rank content that attracts your ideal buyers as quickly as possible.

Once keyword research is completed, we will deploy one of our 8 content marketing frameworks to ensure that we create content that not only ranks, but converts.

Some of our favorite frameworks include:  Alternatives posts, Jobs-to-be-done posts, and Pattern Interrupt posts.

On Page Optimization

Once the post is published, we'll make sure that it is optimized:

  • URL
  • Internal linking
  • Title Tag
  • Meta Description

These are some of the elements needed to ensure that a post ranks.  And over time, you'll start seeing traffic from one post to another compound - creating a truly scalable marketing engine.

Link Building

Now that we have our content all published, optimized, and ready to go, it’s time to build some links.

We actually have a guarantee with our link building.  We will never acquire a link below a DR35.  And if we do, you get that one for free.

Our white-hat link building process focuses on acquiring links that are from established domains and reputable brands.  

We never want to settle for new sites, PBN’s, or abandoned content farms.

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