SEO Copywriting Services that Increase Organic Traffic and Customers

SEO Copywriting is the art and science of creating content that ranks in Google and convert readers into leads and customers.

It marries the traffic acquisition of SEO strategies with traditional conversion copywriting principles.

Why is SEO Copywriting Important?

For a piece of content, whether it’s a blog post or a landing page, it needs two key ingredients in order to succeed:

Thing 1:  Relevant traffic.

Thing 2:  Convert that traffic into customers

By doing keyword research, adding specific keywords and phrases throughout the content, and building backlinks, you will be able to rank these pages in order to get relevant traffic from Google without buying ads.

And by creating a powerful headline, some educational content, and a compelling call to action, you will be able to convert that traffic into leads and customers.

Your SEO Copywriting Strategy

We  break down your SEO copywriting strategy into three parts of the marketing funnel.

Bottom of Funnel content

This is our absolute favorite type of content to create because the folks who are looking for this type of content are looking to buy your products and services right now.

Very little lead nurturing is required in order to convert them from a reader into a customer.

Some examples of this type of content include:

Alternatives Posts

For instance, a company called Time Doctor, who we did SEO for is in the time tracking industry.  One of their biggest competitors is a company called Toggl.

So, we created a post called Toggl Alternatives, ranked the post, and drove between 200 and 400 visitors per month to that post from Google.

The cool part is, that post converted 2% of all visitors into customers.

Now, imagine writing 10, 15, or even 20 of these types of posts to your blog.

Best Category Posts

Another one of our favorites is a best category post.  For instance, at Content Guppy we launched a course on blogging.

So, we created a blog post called 21 Best Blogging Courses, ranked it in Google, and sold our course through that blog post.

Middle of Funnel Content

This type of content drives people to your site who need your product and service, but aren’t ready to buy just yet.

For instance, at Time Doctor, we created a post about Online Collaboration Tools.  We know that our customers use these types of tools in their business, but they probably weren’t looking for a time tracking solution.

So, we created the post, ranked it #3 in Google...

And then we introduced Time Doctor inside of the post.

Top of Funnel Content

This is the type of content that brings awareness to your company, but does require some lead nurturing along the way.

Once again, at Time Doctor, our product was all about helping remote companies be more productive.  

So, we created a lot of content around remote work and virtual teams.

As you can see, this post called Virtual Team Building Activities ranks #9, gets quite a bit of traffic and gets our ideal customer to the page.

But since it is a top of funnel post, it requires some lead nurturing to go from reader to customer.

About Content Guppy

Content Guppy is an SEO focused content marketing agency that helps companies create content that converts.

With our SEO Copywriting Services, we create content for all phases of the funnel, rank the content, and turn your blog into your company’s biggest lead gen engine.


How long does SEO take?

While this is dependent on many factors such as your industry, your site’s authority, budget, and  age, we typically start seeing traction within 3 to 4 months of working with a client.  

By the 3 month mark you’ll start ranking for a couple of keywords and growing your traffic.

How long does my content need to be?

We’ll do an analysis on each keyword that we’re creating content for.  However, we find that the sweet spot is almost always around 2,000 to 2,500 words per post.

We want to make the content as thorough as possible so that your visitors get the information they need to take the next steps in their buying journey.

Do I really need to build links?

The short answer is “yes”.

Links are like the currency of the web.  VERY generally speaking, the more links you’ve acquired to your page, the better the chance of it ranking high in Google will be. 

Unless you’re in a new, or non-competitive industry, chances are you will need to acquire backlinks in order to rank your content and get organic traffic to your site.

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