Grow Your SaaS without PPC, SEO, or Cold Email Spam

Enter your email address below and learn to use Borrowed Marketing to Get More Trials, Increase Deal Flow, and Grow Your MRR .

    Google Volatility, PPC Costs Rising, Email Blasts Getting Ignored. Time to Unlock a New Channel.

    Stop worrying rankings, ad prices fluctuating, and email spam deliverability. Launch a Borrowed Marketing program. We guarantee it will work for you, or we’ll offer a 100% refund.

    Let’s face it.

    What worked in SaaS marketing just a few years ago isn’t working as well today.  Traditional SaaS marketing strategies like SEO, PPC, and Cold Email are becoming much more difficult by the day.

    SEO:  Google Decides Your Fate

    And if you’re reliant on SEO as your key marketing strategy, this should keep you up at night.

    If Google decides your content isn’t “good enough” anymore, they’ll remove it from the SERPs and you’ll lose all that traffic and growth.

    PPC Prices are Increasing

    If you’re in a competitive space, then you know that platforms like Adwords, Meta, and LinkedIn are getting more competitive… and more expensive.

    Getting a ROAS that leads to profitable cash flow is becoming more challenging.

    Email Spam… Ugh

    Inboxes are becoming more crowded with these impersonal email blasts pitching products.  Founders, CEO’s and Execs at companies are blasted with these emails daily.  

    And let’s face it, most of these emails plain old suck.  Sure, you might sign up a few new users if you send 5,000 emails per month.  (The math tells you that you will.)

    But at what cost?  Not only to your bank account, but to your reputation?

    Borrowed Marketing:  A New Approach to Growing Your MRR

    I used to work for a SaaS company that sold time tracking software to companies who had remote work employees. Here's how we executed a Borrowed Marketing strategy.

    Find Companies to Partner With

    We would find companies who are about the same size as us and sold software to remote work companies, but weren’t direct competitors.

    For instance, one company that we partnered with was called Trainual. They had the same number of users, and sold training software to companies with remote employees. So they sold to our niche, but they didn’t sell our product category.

    Reach Out to Partners

    We’d reach out to potential partners with a super personalized email offering a win-win partnership.

    The gist of the email would be:

    “Hey Trainual

    We’d love to promote your product to our 1,000 users.  In exchange, would you be interested in promoting Time Doctor to your users?”

    Again, we’d make it a bit more personalized, do some research, but you get the idea.

    Execute the Partnership

    Once Trainual says “yes”, it’s time to execute the partnership.  We’d create some copy they can use to send to their users and email list.  And we’d do the same for them.

    We’d get Time Doctor in front of an engaged audience of remote companies, and they’d get Trainual in front of an audience of engaged remote companies.  

    Can you see how effective this can be at helping you get a lot of new trials for your SaaS company?  Even if you execute just one partnership every single month?

    Schedule a Call to Increase Your MRR with Borrowed Marketing

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    Companies we've Worked With

    Get the Guide: How to Increase Your MRR without PPC, SEO, or Email Spam

    Enter your email addess below to get the guide.

      One of our sales pages was languishing around position 9 for a keyword that we new would increase our revenue. Within two months after hiring Content Guppy to build links for us, we ranked #1 for the keyword and the page went from producing 3 leads per month to 16 leads per month!

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