Free Guide: How We Grew a Bootstrapped SaaS to Over $10mm ARR with SEO

This step-by-step case study will show you our exact content strategy from keyword research, to ranking it high, and converting readers into paid users. .

    Clients Come to Us for 3 Main Reasons

    Reason 1: You care more about increasing MRR than traffic.

    SaaS Companies deploy SEO as a marketing strategy for 1 reason and 1 reason alone:  To increase MRR.  

    We’re not going to waste your time or money ranking content that will look good in Google Analytics, but won’t move the needle in your stripe dashboard.

    After all, you can’t pay your bills with traffic.

    Reason 2: Your Content isn’t Ranking

    We know you don’t care about traffic… but, if your SEO content isn’t getting seen, then there’s no way for it drive trials.

    For your content to be seen, it needs to rank in the top 5 (sometimes even the top 3).

    Reason 3:  Traffic is going up, but leads are flat

    So many SEO’s will point to the Google Analytics dashboard and say “look how great we’re doing!  Traffic is going up and to the right!”

    Meanwhile the SaaS CEO is looking at the stripe dashboards and saying “where’s the revenue?”

    Your SEO efforts NEED to be driving new business… not just new traffic.

    Reason 4:  No time to create content and Build Links

    Creating content is HARD!  It’s time consuming.  It’s repetitive.

    You and your marketing department have way more important tasks to do than to create content and build links.

    Reason 5:  Focus on Building Distribution

    97% of everyone who reads your blog is NOT going to sign up for your product right away.

    In fact, a 3% conversion rate would be absolutely fantastic.

    At Content Guppy, we believe that SaaS companies should be leveraging SEO to build their own distribution channels.

    Launching a new feature?  Send it out through your distribution channel.

    Have a new partner?  You know how you’re going to tell your potential customers.

    Hosting a webinar?  You’ll have an engaged audience waiting to check it out.

    Distribution. Is. Key.

    How Content Guppy Can Help You

    Understand Your Business and Your Customers

    Before we can get started with an SEO program, we’ll need to understand your business and your customers.

    We’ll want to know things like:

    1.   What are your KPIs?

    2.  What are your customer’s specific use cases?

    3.  Which customer segments have the largest ltv?

    4.  Which pages, beyond your home page, are most profitable?

    5.  What are your conversion indicators?

    And more…


    Create SEO Content that Increases MRR


    Like we mentioned up top, you need SEO content that will increase your MRR.

    That means that you need to consistently create content that is:

    1.   Relevant to your business.

    2.  Focuses on converting readers into trials.

    3.  Has  high quality backlinks pointing to it so it ranks in the top 3 in Google’s search results.

    Build Your Distribution

    Yes, of course we’re going to create content that drives trials.

    But beyond that, we want to make sure that you have a strong distribution channel in place.

    That way you’ll never have to worry about how you’re going to promote a new initiative.

    You’ll have a strong marketing funnel in place that will increase the amount of leads that your SaaS generates on a weekly basis.

    Schedule a Call to Increase Your MRR with SEO.

    In the call, you'll learn:

    Companies we've Worked With

    Get the Guide: How we Grew a Bootstrapped SaaS to over $10mm ARR with SEO

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      One of our sales pages was languishing around position 9 for a keyword that we new would increase our revenue. Within two months after hiring Content Guppy to build links for us, we ranked #1 for the keyword and the page went from producing 3 leads per month to 16 leads per month!

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